
Igreja Românica de Sobretâmega



August 27, 2013
To reach the Church of Saint Mary of Sobretâmega is to create a link with the river, is letting yourself go in the calm waters that bathe Marco de Canaveses. We are on the right bank of the Tâmega River, on a hill overlooking the new bridge. A small church, example of what is called "Romance of Resistance", rises sober and closed on it's own, without columns or capitals at the entry portal. The crevices let in enough light to illuminate the white walls of the nave. Inside little remains of the Romanesque, having been replaced by modern styles such as the main altarpiece in gilded. On the other side of the river, the Church of Saint Nicholas of Canaveses calls us. In the medieval era, D. Mafalda, daughter of D. Sancho I, may have built the Canaveses crossing. The bridge, of extraordinary dimensions for the time (would have 5 arches), was replaced by another in 1940 and a few decades later, submerged as a result of the construction of the dam of Torrão (Marco de Canaveses).
To reach the Church of Saint Mary of Sobretâmega is to create a link with the river, is letting yourself go in the calm waters that bathe Marco de Canaveses. We are on the right bank of the Tâmega River, on a hill overlooking the new bridge. A small church, example of what is called "Romance of Resi…
Casa Nova
April 1, 2014
Composta por planta de nave única e cabeceira retangular, a Igreja de Tabuado é um exemplar de arquitetura românica .Conserva uma curiosa parcela do programa de pintura mural do século XV ou XVI.


Sobretâmega, Porto