
Universitas Padjadjaran Dipatiukur



September 30, 2016
Universitas Padjadjaran (Padjadjaran University or UNPAD) is an institution of higher learning located in Bandung. UNPAD was established on 11 September 1957, and officially opened by the President of Republic Indonesia Soekarno on the 24th of September 1957. When established, the university had four departments: Law, Economics, Medicine, and Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Now it has developed into 16 faculties and several postgraduate programmes, 44 undergraduate programmes (Strata 1/S1), two specialist programmes, nine doctorate programmes (Strata 3/S3), 19 Master's degree programmes (Strata 2/S2), five profession programmes, one four-year diploma program (D4), and 32 three-year diploma programs (D3).
Universitas Padjadjaran (Padjadjaran University or UNPAD) is an institution of higher learning located in Bandung. UNPAD was established on 11 September 1957, and officially opened by the President of Republic Indonesia Soekarno on the 24th of September 1957. When established, the university had fo…
46 Jl. Dipati Ukur
Kecamatan Coblong, Jawa Barat