Chuo Wardで楜しめるナニヌクなアクティビティ

Chuo Wardで楜しめるナニヌクなアクティビティ




Information Many customers have made reservations for Apr 2024. Our classrooms are famous, and we have 6 classrooms in Osaka & Kyoto. Kyoto (Temple) Request if you wish. Apr 19 th am,22 th am Honmachi class. Prices tend to be high in the world, but the Japan price of our classroom has not changed from the past. Upon prior request  confirmation, it is also possible to experience the tea ceremony at other classrooms in Osaka or famous temples in Kyoto. (advance request The tea ceremony masters in our classroom are tea masters with very difficult tea ceremony qualifications. In this experience . (1)A lecture by a highly qualified tea master. (2)Tea ceremony There is an additional charge for the kimono experience.(Advance request system.) If Kyobashi Classroom (near Osaka Castle) is unavailable, you may be asked to use another classroom. Both are tea rooms. The Kyobashi classroom cannot be used on the following dates. Mar am . Classrooms other than the Kyobashi classroom are available on the following dates. Apr 11 th pm is the Shitennoji classroom. Apr 19 th am,22 th am is the Honmachi classroom. Kyoto classroom (advance request) If there are no vacant classrooms, Hirakata classroom. Experience is experience. A tea room is a tea room. The organizer will not be held responsible for any trouble or injury that may occur during the experience.
Experience what it feels like to be a local! This 3-hour experience focuses on standing izakayas in Kyobashi, a neighborhood filled with small, local favorite restaurants and izakaya. Eat and drink like a local in these hidden gems while interacting with friendly Osaka locals! With me as your local host, you will be encouraged to try old-school izakaya foods and interact with locals in a way that you otherwise wouldn't. Unlike the other 'regular' food tours, you will be the one to choose which dish you'd try and order them by yourself in Japanese! We will go to 2-3 standing izakayas, and they have no English signs or menus. By the end of the tour, you'll be able to order your own next round of food and drinks! Come with me to eat and drink like locals, with locals. **PLEASE READ BELOW BEFORE BOOKING** FOOD/DRINKS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE FEE (For drinks and food, it’s usually in the range of 1000 to 2500 yen pp/place.) Please know that the experience will be taken place in STANDING izakayas and they are SMOKING-FRIENDLY. This experience is NOT for those who have many food restrictions or are very specific about the dishes they want.
倧阪垂出身の私が行う このはしご酒ツアヌは、倖囜人ずお酒を飲みながら自然な英䌚話を楜しめたす 䞉぀のスペシャルな角打ち酒屋さんで飲むこずに足を運び、倀段ず質にうるさい倧阪人が愛するお店を倖囜人ず䞀緒に楜しみたしょう 䌝統的な角打ちからモダンな角打ちたでの䞉぀のお店に出向き、たくさんの地元の人たちに囲たれお矎味しすぎる食べ物やお酒は栌別 䞖界䞭の倖囜人のお客様ず自然な英䌚話をお酒ず料理でご䞀献䞀般的な英䌚話よりカゞュアルな䌚話を楜しみたしょう。 メニュヌ: お倀段䞀䟋 生ビヌル390円 地酒300〜500円 料理100円〜500円 いく぀かの角打ちでは、お店の地酒セレクションのなかからテむスティングを楜しんでいただきたす。もちろんそのお酒に合う矎味しいお぀たみもお忘れなく もし気に入ったお酒が芋぀かればボトルをお土産ずしお賌入しおいただくこずも可胜です ご䞀緒に文化の違いなどをお話ししお、あなたのラむフスタむルを孊ばさせおください その他の留意事項 食べ物ず飲み物はツアヌ料金に含たれおいたせん 歩きやすい靎が望たしいです。 もし嫌いな食べ物や制限がある堎合でもお気軜にお声掛けくださいあなたが食べれるものを泚文いたしたす。
We meet in Shinsekai area, an old neighborhood of Osaka, walk around the area then head toward the Minami area, Osaka's southern city center, including world-famous "Dotonbori". Osaka is well known as the food capital of Japan, or kitchen of Japan, and you will see why once you get here. There are so many restaurants all over the city, and all kinds! I'll show you not only the variety of foods Osaka can offer but also the history of the area, Japanese culture, tradition and everyday life of local people. I'd recommend you to take my walking tour at your earliest convenience once you arrive Osaka, since I'll talk a lot about what you can do and eat here, as well as restaurant recommendations. This will be an excellent activity for you to familiarize yourself to this amazing city, and also Japan over all. I'll try my best to let you have a good time while you're in my beloved city, Osaka!! I'm looking forward to showing you the best of my Osaka!! PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT A FOOD TOUR, meaning no food is included in my tour. But Osaka being as a food capital of Japan, I talk a lot about food in my tour, which might make you hungry :-) Therefore try not to come join my Experience with empty stomach).
倧型料理のダむニングずしお倩神橋の゚ンタヌテむメント゚リア党䜓に぀いおは、バヌめぐりスタむルで特別な日本料理ずドリンクをお楜しみください。 倧阪の食文化を楜しむための最も莅沢で効率的な方法です。 たずは前菜ずしおたこ焌き倧阪では食べ物、タコ逃子を食べる必芁がありたすから前菜を食べおから、寿叞バヌカりンタヌで新鮮な寿叞を味わっお、酒を飲み、地ビヌルでゞュヌシヌな和牛を味わいたしょう。 最埌のラヌメン「ラヌメン」の豊かな味わいを味わうこずになりたすおそらく今たで食べたこずのないものもありたす。 合蚈で4か所を蚪問させおいただきたす。 基本的に、1箇所で、1杯 1箇所ず4日を陀くず1〜2食を陀き、次に次に行きたしょう。 これは倧阪スタむルで、特にこの゚リアに合っおいたす。 「Eat and Die」は、倧阪の町に぀いお蚀及する有名な蚀葉です。 日本で䞀番長い商店街倩神橋は、倜には異なる顔がありたす。特に狭い脇道のほうが面癜いです。 颚光明媚な倧阪のナむトタりンをご案内したす。地元のナビゲヌタヌがいないので、日本人でも入るのは難しいですが、倧阪の倜は人を飲むのにずおも芪切です。 地元の人のように過ごした埌はずおも快適に過ごせたす。 忘れられない倧阪のナむトラむフず食べ物をご案内したす その他の特蚘事項 レストランのスペヌスが限られおいるため、最倧人数は4〜6名です。 ベゞタリアン■の方には、手配できたす。 ■ご芁望に応じお、ノンアルコヌル飲料をご甚意しおおりたす。 ■プラむベヌトツアヌをご利甚いただけたす。お問い合わせください。

Chuo Wardの魅力を満喫

Visitaremos lo mejor de Osaka en un día: templos y santuarios míticos, y todos esos barrios auténticos de Osaka. Comenzaremos en el gran santuario Sumiyoshi, donde prácticamente inició Japón. Tomaremos el viejo tranvía hacia Tennoji, donde visitaremos el primer templo budista de Japón, Shitennoji, y el místico Ishinji. Comeremos en Shinsekai, mi lugar favorito de Osaka y después iremos al corazón de la cultura popular, Nippon-bashi y Namba. Atravesaremos Dotonbori y terminaremos en Shinsaibashi y Amemura, barrios alternativos de Osaka. *Nota* Pueden cambiar Namba por Umeda o el Castillo de Osaka. En el caso de Umeda, moderna y vibrante, es donde nace una de las historias más famosas de Osaka y el teatro japonés: Los amantes suicidas de Sonezaki. De ir al Castillo de Osaka, nos adentramos en los terrenos de lo que alguna vez fue el símbolo de la unificación del país mientras les cuento chismes samuráis. Durante nuestro recorrido, les tomaré fotos con mi cámara para que recuerden su viaje y que ustedes son lo mejor de Osaka. 「Escríbeme si la experiencia no está disponible」
It's beautiful and fresh cycling along the river, which no tourists visit. We also go through local Japanese neighborhood districts, which are beautiful, cozy, and quiet. Especially hidden gems in Nara, cycling along the Saho river, which only local people visit :) With fewer tourists, no cars, and no stress, you'll feel relaxed from a busy Osaka/Kyoto stay. In Nara Park, beside the crowded and busy Todaiji-big Buddha (600 yen entrance fee), a few people visit Nigatsudo Hall on the hill. This is because the view from the Nigatsu-do hall is breathtakingly beautiful. But you've got to ride your bicycle up there, so it's a little bit of exercise. While we cycle around Nara Park, we will see many deer. There are 1,200 deer in the park. And I'll take some lovely group photos of you while cycling. I'm an excellent selfie photographer! It's downhill from Nigatsudo Hall to the station, but it's easy to return! If it rains hard, we'll get our raincoats and walk around the park. (We ride buses between the station and the park.) There is a sake brewery in town, and we can try Sake tasting if you want. (500yen Extra charge) Other things to note Please make sure that you can ride bicycles very well. Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes for cycling. Please bring your cap or hat to prevent health problems caused by heat strokes.
Osaka Style Okonomiyaki Cooking Experience
お奜み焌きを食べたこずがありたすか 倧阪生たれ、倧阪育ちのホストず倧阪の゜りルフヌドお奜み焌きを䜜りたしょう お奜み焌き、味噌汁を䜜りたしょう 最も簡単な調理方法をお教えしたすので、自宅でお奜み焌きを調理できたす あなたのリク゚ストに察応できたすノィヌガン、ハラヌル、グルテンフリヌなど 私は英語が十分ではありたせんが、この経隓を5幎以䞊続けおいたす。 ゲストの皆さんに料理や文化亀流を楜しんでいるので、䞀緒に䜜っお食べるのは本圓に楜しいです!! 私は時々倧阪の友人を招埅したすので、ゲストは倧阪ロヌカルの人ずの䌚話を楜しむこずができたす 䞀緒に料理しお、私たちずの䌚話を楜しみたしょう その他の留意事項 食物アレルギヌやベゞタリアンなど、制限があるかどうかを教えおください。 (Veganの皆様ぞ。食材の䞭には粟補した砂糖が䜿われおいる堎合がありたすのでご了承ください)
叀郜日本京郜䜓验抹茶道文化 悚可通过预纊盎接到店参䞎茶道䜓验享受60分钟服务朜心䜓验独特的日本文化之旅。圚客人和我们的其他客人预纊时闎允讞的情况䞋还可以继续享受跟由䜳老垈喝茶亀流。 圚暗銙庵的茶道䜓验先从猓解悚旅途䞭的疲劳匀始䞀蟹品尝由䜳老垈泡的迎客茶䞀蟹畅谈茶道及其他各种。之后移劚到及䞀层的抹茶茶宀圚观赏老垈打制的淡抹茶同时还可以品尝抹茶及矎味的和果子。这时候最奜胜借仔细观察老垈的点茶劚䜜芁问䞺什么的话因䞺之后悚将芁亲自䞊阵䜓验点茶䞭关键的环节。䞍过悚䞍必担心这时候老垈䌚圚悚身蟹蟅富和讲解让悚充分䜓验【点日本抹茶】的乐趣。 通过䜓验了解抹茶道文化枊源盎接参䞎互劚胜感受到的事物和那些无法亲身䜓䌚的郚分。同时再让我们分享那些目所胜的及心䞭感受的 比劂“日本人是怎样生掻的呢”“日本文化是怎么圢成的呢”等。通过抹茶道的䜓验胜借让双方圚䞍同文化的基础䞊圚亀流的过皋䞭做到拉进心灵的距犻暗銙庵抹茶道䜓验的最倧特点。 最后静䞋心来䞓泚品尝自己打制的那仜包含着日本深厚底蕎文化的抹茶来结束本次愉快的䜓验。 其他泚意事项 陀新幎期闎12月31日-1月3日倖䜓验掻劚党幎对倖匀攟请按䞋列时闎段预纊䜓验。因每日䜓验掻劚满员的场合将无法正垞参加所以请提前和我们联系。及若预定日期或时闎段满员的场合䌚需芁麻烊悚变曎时闎敬请谅解。
Making Soba Noodles at Temple
You can experience traditional Japanese soba making at a historic temple and sample the soba you made yourself. And, You can also visit the main hall of the temple and the Buddha statue. We run this classroom in a small team and strive to provide a special experience and a calm time. You can feel the warm and private time when you return to your parents' house. Other notes Please note that buckwheat is made from buckwheat flour and some people may not be able to eat it due to allergies.

Chuo Wardで人気䞊䜍の䜓隓

Please find out this tour on IG #travel.japan_together Bar hopping tour at Dotonbori & Uranamba area. "Uranamba" is the area many local Osaka people enjoy drinking. We will take you to real local bar and izakaya, difficult to find for foreigners. Also take you to some deep & hidden places you never know. This experience is not just for local foods and drinks, give you the opportunity to connect with local people. Cannot wait to show you guys around my city!! We will eat during the tour, so you don't need to eat before the tour. Let's enjoy food and drink like local! If you have special request related to place, food, date and so on, we can organize the tour up to your requests. What's included ○ 3 hours with a local guide ○ Admission fee is free ✖ Alcoholic Beverages ✖ Dinner ※We split the total amount, and 99 yen or less will be rounded up to make accounting smoother. ※If you have any dietary restrictions, please let us know in advance.
・食の街倧阪で人気の鉄板焌レストランでお刺身の盛り合わせ、和牛ステヌキのいく぀かの郚䜍の食べ比べず日本酒の飲み比べをしお頂きたす。 ・季節のお刺身の食べ比べ、ずそれらに合う日本酒、和牛ステヌキの郚䜍食べ比べずそれらに合う日本酒を分かりやすい解説付きで楜しんで頂きたす。 ・焌き野菜、癜ごはん、挬物盛りがセットで぀いおたす。 食の街、倧阪でも高玚店、有名店が立ち䞊ぶ北新地の鉄板焌屋さんを楜しんでください。 私は10幎以䞊和牛を扱うレストラン、ホテルで仕事しおきたした。 2017幎に独立しおからもコヌス料理の䞭に数皮の和牛の郚䜍を䜿甚し矎味しい和牛ステヌキを振る舞っおきたした。このツアヌでも最高の焌き加枛で和牛ステヌキを楜しんで頂きたす。もちろん郚䜍ごずの特城も䞁寧に説明臎したす。 日本の魚にも詳しく、毎日垂堎に仕入れに行っお買っおくる、季節ごずの旬のお魚を数皮類刺身で召し䞊がっお頂きたす。 たた、2021幎には日本酒のテむスティング資栌を取埗したした。日本酒にはたくさんの皮類があり、基本的にはどんな料理にも合わせやすいのですが、このツアヌではその䞭でも和牛の旚味のしっかりした赀身に合う日本酒、和牛のずろけるような甘い脂に合う日本酒、お刺身も淡癜な癜身魚に合う日本酒、旚味や脂ののった青魚にあう日本酒をセレクトしたす。 それぞれの矎味しさはもちろん料理ずのマリアヌゞュの奥深さも堪胜しお頂けるこずでしょう。
PLEASE READ↓↓ ※Send us a message before booking for Spanish/French/Private options Tired of touristy stuff? Experience the underground side of Osaka like a local! What's unique about this tour: - Journey through the Tobita Entertainment District and learn about why its the last of its kind in all of Japan. - Delve into the retro charm and bustling energy of Shinsekai, an old theme park turned local hangout spot. - Savor the authentic flavors of Osaka with our hand-picked selection of dishes paired with the perfect drink to compliment. (Izakaya hopping food tour in 2 stops) Please Note: Our food offerings are curated for the bold and adventurous. You'll be eating things you've never tried so dive in with an open heart, and let Osaka's culinary wonders amaze you! -Let us know for dietary restrictions We are a group of passionate Japanese, fluent in multiple languages, offering insights and stories that only a native local can provide. Join us for a truly immersive Japanese experience that will leave you with memories and stories unlike any other! (Read our reviews if in doubt!:)) Other Notes: ※Food & drinks bill will be split among the guests ※It is 50% a food tour so please don't eat before coming ※Average spending for Izakaya is ¥3~4000 ※We will not be responsible for allergies / accidental ingestion mismatching your dietary restrictions (tell us in advance)
We’ll explore the entire range: 5 incredible, local establishments: 1 restaurant + 1 specialized standing bar + 1 backstreet stall + 1 izakaya (Japanese style pub) + 1 neighbourhood market (Note: We are on the upcoming season of Netflix's uber famous foodie show "Someone Feed Phil", chosen for our "authentic, delicous food & varied range of carefully chosen eateries". At the final table... guy with the beard haha, Andy might not be your guide when you come, but he represents us). Also we have been named a top 20 Food tour in the world 2022 on the worlds biggest review site. Dining on flavorsome, local Osakan food..not gourmet...and tasting Japanese drinks. We will explain ALL the ingredients of the food & drinks while tying in the deep history of the area we stroll. Example menu -Entree (Backstreet Stall): 3 x takoyaki balls, + local oden + yudofu -Taste Testing: (markets) 3 x gyoza (dumplings fill with pork and veges) + Saba. -Main course: (Standing food bar): large bowl of kitsune udon + tonpeyaki -Side Course (Izakaya pub): 1 x drink, Nikudoufu “beef and tofu stew” PLUS 2 x original yakitori skewered beef, -Desserts: (Restaurant): 1 x drink, Osakan chicken wings, Taiyaki desserts. Yes we cater for vegetarians (let us know in advance) Other things to note: Please be at Dobutsuenmae Station, exit 1, top of the stairs. Arrive at 5:20pm
You can experience how to make Handmade Udon in the authentic Udon restaurant and enjoy the Udon you made after the class. You can also bring it back to your home if you want. Handmade udon made by ourselves is chewier and softer than udon sold in stores. Anybody who doesn’t have any skill for cooking can easily experience. Both kids and adults can enjoy the udon. We would like people from other countries to know one of the traditional Japanese food and share the joy of making it together. Our restaurant is in the Michelin guide. So after your class, our Udon chief will make Udon dish for you which tastes amazing! -Other things to note- •Please wear clothes you don't mind getting messy! •You need to be on time! (We will also operate regular customers for restaurant after your class.) •We shall not be responsible for any troubles. •We are not opened the class for one person (minimum from 2ppl). Please contact us before booking if you wish to join our class alone. We can advise another session that already booked. •There is possibility to you have another group in the same session. Please be aware and enjoy the company!

Chuo Ward呚蟺のすべおの䜓隓

Please find out this tour on IG #travel.japan_together Bar hopping tour at Dotonbori & Uranamba area. "Uranamba" is the area many local Osaka people enjoy drinking. We will take you to real local bar and izakaya, difficult to find for foreigners. Also take you to some deep & hidden places you never know. This experience is not just for local foods and drinks, give you the opportunity to connect with local people. Cannot wait to show you guys around my city!! We will eat during the tour, so you don't need to eat before the tour. Let's enjoy food and drink like local! If you have special request related to place, food, date and so on, we can organize the tour up to your requests. What's included ○ 3 hours with a local guide ○ Admission fee is free ✖ Alcoholic Beverages ✖ Dinner ※We split the total amount, and 99 yen or less will be rounded up to make accounting smoother. ※If you have any dietary restrictions, please let us know in advance.
Information Many customers have made reservations for Apr 2024. Our classrooms are famous, and we have 6 classrooms in Osaka & Kyoto. Kyoto (Temple) Request if you wish. Apr 19 th am,22 th am Honmachi class. Prices tend to be high in the world, but the Japan price of our classroom has not changed from the past. Upon prior request  confirmation, it is also possible to experience the tea ceremony at other classrooms in Osaka or famous temples in Kyoto. (advance request The tea ceremony masters in our classroom are tea masters with very difficult tea ceremony qualifications. In this experience . (1)A lecture by a highly qualified tea master. (2)Tea ceremony There is an additional charge for the kimono experience.(Advance request system.) If Kyobashi Classroom (near Osaka Castle) is unavailable, you may be asked to use another classroom. Both are tea rooms. The Kyobashi classroom cannot be used on the following dates. Mar am . Classrooms other than the Kyobashi classroom are available on the following dates. Apr 11 th pm is the Shitennoji classroom. Apr 19 th am,22 th am is the Honmachi classroom. Kyoto classroom (advance request) If there are no vacant classrooms, Hirakata classroom. Experience is experience. A tea room is a tea room. The organizer will not be held responsible for any trouble or injury that may occur during the experience.
Experience what it feels like to be a local! This 3-hour experience focuses on standing izakayas in Kyobashi, a neighborhood filled with small, local favorite restaurants and izakaya. Eat and drink like a local in these hidden gems while interacting with friendly Osaka locals! With me as your local host, you will be encouraged to try old-school izakaya foods and interact with locals in a way that you otherwise wouldn't. Unlike the other 'regular' food tours, you will be the one to choose which dish you'd try and order them by yourself in Japanese! We will go to 2-3 standing izakayas, and they have no English signs or menus. By the end of the tour, you'll be able to order your own next round of food and drinks! Come with me to eat and drink like locals, with locals. **PLEASE READ BELOW BEFORE BOOKING** FOOD/DRINKS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE FEE (For drinks and food, it’s usually in the range of 1000 to 2500 yen pp/place.) Please know that the experience will be taken place in STANDING izakayas and they are SMOKING-FRIENDLY. This experience is NOT for those who have many food restrictions or are very specific about the dishes they want.
PLEASE READ↓↓ ※Send us a message before booking for Spanish/French/Private options Tired of touristy stuff? Experience the underground side of Osaka like a local! What's unique about this tour: - Journey through the Tobita Entertainment District and learn about why its the last of its kind in all of Japan. - Delve into the retro charm and bustling energy of Shinsekai, an old theme park turned local hangout spot. - Savor the authentic flavors of Osaka with our hand-picked selection of dishes paired with the perfect drink to compliment. (Izakaya hopping food tour in 2 stops) Please Note: Our food offerings are curated for the bold and adventurous. You'll be eating things you've never tried so dive in with an open heart, and let Osaka's culinary wonders amaze you! -Let us know for dietary restrictions We are a group of passionate Japanese, fluent in multiple languages, offering insights and stories that only a native local can provide. Join us for a truly immersive Japanese experience that will leave you with memories and stories unlike any other! (Read our reviews if in doubt!:)) Other Notes: ※Food & drinks bill will be split among the guests ※It is 50% a food tour so please don't eat before coming ※Average spending for Izakaya is ¥3~4000 ※We will not be responsible for allergies / accidental ingestion mismatching your dietary restrictions (tell us in advance)
倧阪垂出身の私が行う このはしご酒ツアヌは、倖囜人ずお酒を飲みながら自然な英䌚話を楜しめたす 䞉぀のスペシャルな角打ち酒屋さんで飲むこずに足を運び、倀段ず質にうるさい倧阪人が愛するお店を倖囜人ず䞀緒に楜しみたしょう 䌝統的な角打ちからモダンな角打ちたでの䞉぀のお店に出向き、たくさんの地元の人たちに囲たれお矎味しすぎる食べ物やお酒は栌別 䞖界䞭の倖囜人のお客様ず自然な英䌚話をお酒ず料理でご䞀献䞀般的な英䌚話よりカゞュアルな䌚話を楜しみたしょう。 メニュヌ: お倀段䞀䟋 生ビヌル390円 地酒300〜500円 料理100円〜500円 いく぀かの角打ちでは、お店の地酒セレクションのなかからテむスティングを楜しんでいただきたす。もちろんそのお酒に合う矎味しいお぀たみもお忘れなく もし気に入ったお酒が芋぀かればボトルをお土産ずしお賌入しおいただくこずも可胜です ご䞀緒に文化の違いなどをお話ししお、あなたのラむフスタむルを孊ばさせおください その他の留意事項 食べ物ず飲み物はツアヌ料金に含たれおいたせん 歩きやすい靎が望たしいです。 もし嫌いな食べ物や制限がある堎合でもお気軜にお声掛けくださいあなたが食べれるものを泚文いたしたす。
・食の街倧阪で人気の鉄板焌レストランでお刺身の盛り合わせ、和牛ステヌキのいく぀かの郚䜍の食べ比べず日本酒の飲み比べをしお頂きたす。 ・季節のお刺身の食べ比べ、ずそれらに合う日本酒、和牛ステヌキの郚䜍食べ比べずそれらに合う日本酒を分かりやすい解説付きで楜しんで頂きたす。 ・焌き野菜、癜ごはん、挬物盛りがセットで぀いおたす。 食の街、倧阪でも高玚店、有名店が立ち䞊ぶ北新地の鉄板焌屋さんを楜しんでください。 私は10幎以䞊和牛を扱うレストラン、ホテルで仕事しおきたした。 2017幎に独立しおからもコヌス料理の䞭に数皮の和牛の郚䜍を䜿甚し矎味しい和牛ステヌキを振る舞っおきたした。このツアヌでも最高の焌き加枛で和牛ステヌキを楜しんで頂きたす。もちろん郚䜍ごずの特城も䞁寧に説明臎したす。 日本の魚にも詳しく、毎日垂堎に仕入れに行っお買っおくる、季節ごずの旬のお魚を数皮類刺身で召し䞊がっお頂きたす。 たた、2021幎には日本酒のテむスティング資栌を取埗したした。日本酒にはたくさんの皮類があり、基本的にはどんな料理にも合わせやすいのですが、このツアヌではその䞭でも和牛の旚味のしっかりした赀身に合う日本酒、和牛のずろけるような甘い脂に合う日本酒、お刺身も淡癜な癜身魚に合う日本酒、旚味や脂ののった青魚にあう日本酒をセレクトしたす。 それぞれの矎味しさはもちろん料理ずのマリアヌゞュの奥深さも堪胜しお頂けるこずでしょう。
We meet in Shinsekai area, an old neighborhood of Osaka, walk around the area then head toward the Minami area, Osaka's southern city center, including world-famous "Dotonbori". Osaka is well known as the food capital of Japan, or kitchen of Japan, and you will see why once you get here. There are so many restaurants all over the city, and all kinds! I'll show you not only the variety of foods Osaka can offer but also the history of the area, Japanese culture, tradition and everyday life of local people. I'd recommend you to take my walking tour at your earliest convenience once you arrive Osaka, since I'll talk a lot about what you can do and eat here, as well as restaurant recommendations. This will be an excellent activity for you to familiarize yourself to this amazing city, and also Japan over all. I'll try my best to let you have a good time while you're in my beloved city, Osaka!! I'm looking forward to showing you the best of my Osaka!! PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT A FOOD TOUR, meaning no food is included in my tour. But Osaka being as a food capital of Japan, I talk a lot about food in my tour, which might make you hungry :-) Therefore try not to come join my Experience with empty stomach).
We’ll explore the entire range: 5 incredible, local establishments: 1 restaurant + 1 specialized standing bar + 1 backstreet stall + 1 izakaya (Japanese style pub) + 1 neighbourhood market (Note: We are on the upcoming season of Netflix's uber famous foodie show "Someone Feed Phil", chosen for our "authentic, delicous food & varied range of carefully chosen eateries". At the final table... guy with the beard haha, Andy might not be your guide when you come, but he represents us). Also we have been named a top 20 Food tour in the world 2022 on the worlds biggest review site. Dining on flavorsome, local Osakan food..not gourmet...and tasting Japanese drinks. We will explain ALL the ingredients of the food & drinks while tying in the deep history of the area we stroll. Example menu -Entree (Backstreet Stall): 3 x takoyaki balls, + local oden + yudofu -Taste Testing: (markets) 3 x gyoza (dumplings fill with pork and veges) + Saba. -Main course: (Standing food bar): large bowl of kitsune udon + tonpeyaki -Side Course (Izakaya pub): 1 x drink, Nikudoufu “beef and tofu stew” PLUS 2 x original yakitori skewered beef, -Desserts: (Restaurant): 1 x drink, Osakan chicken wings, Taiyaki desserts. Yes we cater for vegetarians (let us know in advance) Other things to note: Please be at Dobutsuenmae Station, exit 1, top of the stairs. Arrive at 5:20pm
Tea Ceremony, Calligraphy & Kimono
You will experience the Japanese art of tea ceremony (sado), Japanese calligraphy (shodo), wearing kimono in a real Japanese family home. This is a very relaxed activity for those interested in Japanese art, family life, meditation or simply if you want to avoid bad weather outside. You will also get to learn about family life in Japan. We are a bilingual family (English-Japanese), so you don't need to worry about having any language problems. Our house is quite large, so there is plenty of space for you to relax and enjoy the following activities: (1) Enjoy tea ceremony (sado) in a Japanese tatami room, where you sit on the floor. It is a form of meditation, immersing yourself in the act of preparing, serving & drinking matcha green tea (with a sweet) in an authentic environment. (2) Try out a kimono from a selection or colours and patterns. We will help you put on the kimono. You will feel how tight and how uncomfortable, yet beautiful it is to wear one. (3) Then try Japanese calligraphy (shodo), which is another form of art & mediation. You can write Chinese characters, Japanese hiragana, idioms, haiku and much more to exercise your fingers. Other things to note Ask for availability on other time/date or larger group? Our local station is 18 mins from Osaka Station by JR Train (260yen/free for JR Pass) and 23 mins (30 mins local train) from Kyoto Station (460yen/free for JR Pass). Our house is a short walk to the station.
倧型料理のダむニングずしお倩神橋の゚ンタヌテむメント゚リア党䜓に぀いおは、バヌめぐりスタむルで特別な日本料理ずドリンクをお楜しみください。 倧阪の食文化を楜しむための最も莅沢で効率的な方法です。 たずは前菜ずしおたこ焌き倧阪では食べ物、タコ逃子を食べる必芁がありたすから前菜を食べおから、寿叞バヌカりンタヌで新鮮な寿叞を味わっお、酒を飲み、地ビヌルでゞュヌシヌな和牛を味わいたしょう。 最埌のラヌメン「ラヌメン」の豊かな味わいを味わうこずになりたすおそらく今たで食べたこずのないものもありたす。 合蚈で4か所を蚪問させおいただきたす。 基本的に、1箇所で、1杯 1箇所ず4日を陀くず1〜2食を陀き、次に次に行きたしょう。 これは倧阪スタむルで、特にこの゚リアに合っおいたす。 「Eat and Die」は、倧阪の町に぀いお蚀及する有名な蚀葉です。 日本で䞀番長い商店街倩神橋は、倜には異なる顔がありたす。特に狭い脇道のほうが面癜いです。 颚光明媚な倧阪のナむトタりンをご案内したす。地元のナビゲヌタヌがいないので、日本人でも入るのは難しいですが、倧阪の倜は人を飲むのにずおも芪切です。 地元の人のように過ごした埌はずおも快適に過ごせたす。 忘れられない倧阪のナむトラむフず食べ物をご案内したす その他の特蚘事項 レストランのスペヌスが限られおいるため、最倧人数は4〜6名です。 ベゞタリアン■の方には、手配できたす。 ■ご芁望に応じお、ノンアルコヌル飲料をご甚意しおおりたす。 ■プラむベヌトツアヌをご利甚いただけたす。お問い合わせください。
You can experience how to make Handmade Udon in the authentic Udon restaurant and enjoy the Udon you made after the class. You can also bring it back to your home if you want. Handmade udon made by ourselves is chewier and softer than udon sold in stores. Anybody who doesn’t have any skill for cooking can easily experience. Both kids and adults can enjoy the udon. We would like people from other countries to know one of the traditional Japanese food and share the joy of making it together. Our restaurant is in the Michelin guide. So after your class, our Udon chief will make Udon dish for you which tastes amazing! -Other things to note- •Please wear clothes you don't mind getting messy! •You need to be on time! (We will also operate regular customers for restaurant after your class.) •We shall not be responsible for any troubles. •We are not opened the class for one person (minimum from 2ppl). Please contact us before booking if you wish to join our class alone. We can advise another session that already booked. •There is possibility to you have another group in the same session. Please be aware and enjoy the company!
Visitaremos lo mejor de Osaka en un día: templos y santuarios míticos, y todos esos barrios auténticos de Osaka. Comenzaremos en el gran santuario Sumiyoshi, donde prácticamente inició Japón. Tomaremos el viejo tranvía hacia Tennoji, donde visitaremos el primer templo budista de Japón, Shitennoji, y el místico Ishinji. Comeremos en Shinsekai, mi lugar favorito de Osaka y después iremos al corazón de la cultura popular, Nippon-bashi y Namba. Atravesaremos Dotonbori y terminaremos en Shinsaibashi y Amemura, barrios alternativos de Osaka. *Nota* Pueden cambiar Namba por Umeda o el Castillo de Osaka. En el caso de Umeda, moderna y vibrante, es donde nace una de las historias más famosas de Osaka y el teatro japonés: Los amantes suicidas de Sonezaki. De ir al Castillo de Osaka, nos adentramos en los terrenos de lo que alguna vez fue el símbolo de la unificación del país mientras les cuento chismes samuráis. Durante nuestro recorrido, les tomaré fotos con mi cámara para que recuerden su viaje y que ustedes son lo mejor de Osaka. 「Escríbeme si la experiencia no está disponible」
It's beautiful and fresh cycling along the river, which no tourists visit. We also go through local Japanese neighborhood districts, which are beautiful, cozy, and quiet. Especially hidden gems in Nara, cycling along the Saho river, which only local people visit :) With fewer tourists, no cars, and no stress, you'll feel relaxed from a busy Osaka/Kyoto stay. In Nara Park, beside the crowded and busy Todaiji-big Buddha (600 yen entrance fee), a few people visit Nigatsudo Hall on the hill. This is because the view from the Nigatsu-do hall is breathtakingly beautiful. But you've got to ride your bicycle up there, so it's a little bit of exercise. While we cycle around Nara Park, we will see many deer. There are 1,200 deer in the park. And I'll take some lovely group photos of you while cycling. I'm an excellent selfie photographer! It's downhill from Nigatsudo Hall to the station, but it's easy to return! If it rains hard, we'll get our raincoats and walk around the park. (We ride buses between the station and the park.) There is a sake brewery in town, and we can try Sake tasting if you want. (500yen Extra charge) Other things to note Please make sure that you can ride bicycles very well. Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes for cycling. Please bring your cap or hat to prevent health problems caused by heat strokes.
We will explore the non touristic areas of Shinsekai & Nishinari where you'll lift the veil of "perfect Japan" and get a real, honest & deep understanding of how Osaka really functions!! NOTE: I would NOT recommend this tour to all.....If you ARE intrepid, well travelled & seeking an unfiltered side of Osaka, this is for you:) Voted the No. 1 tour in the whole of Japan on the worlds biggest review site in 2022 First, be transported back in time to a Japan barely recognizable: jump into retro video game palors, old fashioned markets & more. After, you'll see how the locals entertain & get entertained: From unique only in Japan games, to crazy fishing restaurants to a peek at Osakan theatre. Eat at 1 or 2 side dishes at a stall here. This area is home to some of the most amazing back alleys you will ever see. There you'll breath & interact with local gatherings feeling the energy & history that is profound. You'll discover an area with untouched, abandoned properties and a Taisho Era redlight district. A surreal ambiance! NOTE: This tour exposes taboo topics such as: Yakuza, sexism, illegal gambling, prostitution, illcit businesses, homelessness, welfare system etc...we'll tell you the history, making it ALL relevant! Finally, when the tour has finished. You can choose to join us at an Izakaya restaurant free of charge. 4 dishes & desserts included. Buy your own drinks.
Osaka Style Okonomiyaki Cooking Experience
お奜み焌きを食べたこずがありたすか 倧阪生たれ、倧阪育ちのホストず倧阪の゜りルフヌドお奜み焌きを䜜りたしょう お奜み焌き、味噌汁を䜜りたしょう 最も簡単な調理方法をお教えしたすので、自宅でお奜み焌きを調理できたす あなたのリク゚ストに察応できたすノィヌガン、ハラヌル、グルテンフリヌなど 私は英語が十分ではありたせんが、この経隓を5幎以䞊続けおいたす。 ゲストの皆さんに料理や文化亀流を楜しんでいるので、䞀緒に䜜っお食べるのは本圓に楜しいです!! 私は時々倧阪の友人を招埅したすので、ゲストは倧阪ロヌカルの人ずの䌚話を楜しむこずができたす 䞀緒に料理しお、私たちずの䌚話を楜しみたしょう その他の留意事項 食物アレルギヌやベゞタリアンなど、制限があるかどうかを教えおください。 (Veganの皆様ぞ。食材の䞭には粟補した砂糖が䜿われおいる堎合がありたすのでご了承ください)
  1. Airbnb
  2. 日本
  3. Osaka Region
  4. 倧阪
  5. Chuo Ward